Caller ID

How to Change Caller ID on iPhone?

The iPhone has an intelligent caller ID feature that displays the owner’s name and the phone number of the person calling. Before the call is answered, the name and number of the caller are displayed on the recipient’s screen. Whenever you buy a new iPhone, a caller ID is issued to the buyer from the carrier. There can be many reasons you want to reset the caller’s ID. Many people think they cannot change caller ID on an iPhone, but that is not the case. You can easily change the caller’s ID on an iPhone. Here are further details on how you can do so.

The Process to Change Caller ID on iPhone

The Process to Change Caller ID on iPhone

The essential purpose of the callerID is to show your identity on another’s phone when you call them. It is technically impossible to change it, as the carrier issues it. So, there are no options on the iPhone that will change your caller’s ID. You can do so in simple steps if you intend to hide them. Following are some simple steps that you need to follow with precision.

Step No 1:

Firstly, you need to open the Settings app of settings on your iPhone.

Step No 2:

After opening the app, scroll down. N

Step no 3:

Now, choose the option of iPhone.

Step No 4:

After choosing that option, click “show my caller ID.”

Step No 5:

The last step is to turn off the “show my caller’s ID” toggle. It will hide your caller ID.

The process to Change Caller ID iPhone 12

The steps for changing the Caller ID iPhone 12 are as follows.

Step 1:

The very first thing you also have to do is open the settings application on your phone.

Step 2: 

Now, you need to scroll down after opening settings and scroll down until you see the option of iPhone.

Step 3:

You have to click the option of iPhone.

Step 4:

Once you are done with that step, you have to click on the option of “show my caller’s ID.”

Step 5:

The last thing to do is to turn off the toggle of the “show my caller id.” It will hide your caller’s ID.

The Process to Change Caller ID iPhone 13

The steps for changing the Caller’s ID iPhone 13 are as follows.

Step Number 1:

The starting step is to open the settings application.

Step Number 2:

Secondly, you must scroll down until you see the option for iPhone.

Step Number 3:

The next thing you have to do is choose the option of iPhone.

Step Number 4:

After choosing that option, click “show my caller’s ID.”

Step Number 5:

The ending step is to turn off the toggle of the “show my caller id.” It will hide your callerID.

The Process to Change Caller ID iPhone 14

The steps for changing the Caller’s ID iPhone 14 are as follows.

Step No 1:

First, you must open the app of settings on your iPhone.

Step No 2:

The next thing to do after opening the app is to scroll down until you see the option of iPhone.

Step No 3:

You have to choose the option of iPhone.

Step No 4:

After choosing that option, click “show my caller’s ID.”

Step No 5:

Finally, you need to turn off the toggle of the “show my caller id.” It will hide your caller ID.

Process of Removing Name from Caller ID

Process of Removing Name from Caller ID

You must follow the following steps to reset your iPhone’s caller ID.

  • Launch the Settings on your iPhone.
  • Swipe down, tap on the phone, and then choose Show My CallerID.
  • Then, please turn off the toggle for the Show My Caller ID option.

Reasons to Change and Turn OFF Caller ID

You also need to turn off your caller’s ID for many reasons. Some of them are as follows.

It is highly possible that you don’t give out numbers to strangers and that only your close relatives and people from work have your number. But sometimes you might need to call a stranger, for instance, the delivery guy. If you are uncomfortable showing him all your details, you can hide them in the settings.

Some people are super private and don’t want to show their names and ID details to many because they are comfortable with this.

You may use a phone passed on to you, and the caller’s ID has your sibling’s credentials. They are not yours. So, you don’t want people to get confused when you call them, and they see details, and when they attend the call, it’s someone else.

Wrapping It Up!

Caller ID is an excellent feature, and all iPhones come with it. It shows the recipient the name and the caller’s number before he attends the call. You might want to change it. It can be easily adjusted on the iPhone by doing a few simple steps and changing the settings. All you have to do is follow the steps mentioned above, and then you will be good to go.

You can also hide your caller’s ID from people, and then you can choose the Show my callerID option when you want to show it again.

Frequently Asked Questions

Here are also some of the frequently asked questions.

Why Is a Different Name Showing on My iPhone’s Caller ID?

The caller ID of your iPhone might be showing a different name because of outdated carrier settings and wrong formatting by the original carrier. You can change the carrier settings quickly from the settings.

Is It Possible To Change The Outgoing Caller ID?

The phone carrier company maintains the caller’s ID; you cannot change it because there are no options. You will need external apps or software if you want to change it.

Why Is The Caller ID Showing The Wrong Name?

This is so because the desired caller’s ID formatting varies between carriers. The callerID information might be changed along the route because calls pass through different networks.

How do I change my outgoing Caller ID name on my iPhone?

If you go to Settings>Phone>, Show My Caller ID. You need to contact your cellular carrier if that setting does not appear or is grayed out. Not all carriers can change the Caller ID setting on the device.

Read Also: How to Change the Apple ID on iPhone Without Password?

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